Reiki Addresses Symptoms of Imbalance
Imbalance - hormonal, emotional, systemic - happens at every stage of our lives, and can affect us in many ways. Here are some symptoms of imbalance and how Reiki can heal them:
Perimenopause & Menopause
It’s true that hot flashes and insomnia are common side effects of menopause and perimenopause. However, it doesn’t mean that you need to suffer hopelessly and indefinitely! A return to equilibrium is possible, and Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful, technique for getting there. Reiki assists in calming the mind, helps to remove old habits and energies, and provides a deeper sense of self-awareness.
Fertility (See below for details on Reiki for Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum)
Many times, the energy in and around the reproductive systems is very low, particularly if we have old emotional wounds stored in this area. This can affect the reproductive organs and hormone levels that support ovulation. Reiki enhances other medical procedures so it can be used in conjunction with fertility treatment plans. Reiki enables the body to go into a deeply relaxed state, allowing women to experience a reduction in stress levels. When stress levels are reduced, the body is better able to maintain its balance, and its organs and systems can operate optimally. Reiki also helps to release negative emotions, resulting in a shift toward hope and having a more positive outlook.
Anxiety and Depression
These mood instabilities are caused by an imbalance, stress, and/or toxins in the body. Reiki helps by addressing the underlying causes and heals or reverses them.
Lack of sleep causes stress, emotional imbalance, and increased cortisol levels, all of which cause hormonal imbalance. As with anxiety and depression, Reiki will treat the underlying issues of your insomnia, such as stress.
Poor digestion can be caused by diet or hormonal imbalances. Digestive disorders and irritabilities can be treated with Reiki as it will soothe your internal workings, allowing everything to work more smoothly.
Consistent Weight Gain
A healthy and active lifestyle can help with weight control. However, things like insulin resistance or thyroid problems can contribute to a consistent weight gain. Reiki can help by balancing your insulin and thyroid through the transfer of healing energy.
Low Libido
One of the most noticeable symptoms of hormonal imbalances is a decreased sex drive. This is also caused by disturbed sleep patterns. Reiki can decrease your stress levels and help you sleep better so you and your partner can revive your romance.
If you’re reaching for coffee throughout the day, and you feel sluggish and mentally foggy, you’ve got fatigue. Though this is a symptom of hormonal imbalance, Reiki can heal this by making it easier for you to sleep. Reiki will also provide you with positive, revitalizing energy so you are alert and energetic all day long.
Reiki for Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum
Getting pregnant: Many times, the energy in and around the reproductive systems is very low, affecting the reproductive organs and hormone levels that support ovulation. Reiki enhances other medical procedures so it can be used in conjunction with fertility treatment plans. Reiki enables the body to go into a deeply relaxed state, allowing women to experience a reduction in stress levels. When stress levels are reduced, the body maintains its balance better, and its organs and systems can operate optimally. Reiki also helps to release negative emotions, resulting in a shift toward hope and having a more positive outlook.
In early pregnancy, Reiki can reduce many common discomforts such as exhaustion, nausea, and stress.
Throughout pregnancy, Reiki supports the mother's body as she grows and changes, and provides relief to lower back pain, tension in the neck and shoulders, and insomnia. Relieved of some of the physical and emotional discomforts of pregnancy, the expectant mother will sleep more soundly, and feel more relaxed and connected with her baby.
During labor, Reiki is effective in easing pain and muscular tension, can help lower blood pressure, aids in relaxation to help move stalled labor, and creates a peaceful atmosphere in which to labor and birth.
Reiki is also used to ease postpartum depression and anxiety, or heal from a traumatic birth by working with the energetic root of these issues.
Reiki is also helpful for mothers who are working through breastfeeding difficulties. Reiki helps ease the stress in both mother and child, which promotes beneficial effects like good milk production, let down, good latch, and confidence in the ability to nurture your baby and yourself.
Reiki can be especially helpful for:
Working with fertility
Preparing for natural birth
Reducing stress
Reducing or eliminating pain
Overdue labor
Preparing for a Cesarean birth
Working with Breech presentation
VBAC preparation
Getting stalled labor moving again
Postpartum depression
Recovery from traumatic birth
Shortening healing time
Recovering from pregnancy loss
Improving self-confidence
Efficacy of Reiki During Pregnancy:
The Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut conducted studies of Reiki during pregnancy showing that Reiki:
Reduced stress and anxiety during pregnancy by 94%
Reduced pain by 78%
Reduced nausea and morning sickness by 80%
Improved quality of sleep by 86%
Medical Reiki is the practice of Reiki in hospitals or other conventional healthcare institutions to address a medical issue. Medical Reiki benefits include:
Reduces pain, anxiety, tension, stress and depression
Diminishes the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation therapies and medications including anxiety, nausea/vomiting, skin eruptions, fatigue, insomnia
May decrease the amount of medications needed
Quiets the mind and calms and soothes emotions
Accelerates surgical recovery and healing
Balances the body’s immune system
Dissolves energy blockages and releases toxins
Enhances feelings of well-being and empowerment